The life path insights continue to be very supportive in my journey…

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the life path insights that were and continue to be very supportive in my journey.They are always very reflective and corresponding with the phase of life that I was in.

And for the 2020 update, I am already sensing that it is going to reflect what is ahead of me. I could feel the energies ( as described in words in the profile) coming into my space.

Really appreciate the guidance I received from the profiles.
Thank you again !

Kuala Lumpur

Shaina’s Life Path Profile helps me feel sane, and helps me breathe in my life!

What a gift! So many parts of it validate feelings, challenges, experiences, and yearnings I’ve had, but which have often been unsupported or misunderstood by those around me. It has frequently been difficult for me to completely trust my own perceptions in a number of areas, so it is enormously helpful to revisit again and again a reading which supports that self-trust and self-honoring.

As with all of Shaina’s work, the profile is filled with gentleness, respect, wisdom, and compassion. It suggests, rather than directing. Since I’ve been conditioned to give my power away to systems and experts, trusting them more than my own inner guidance, this is a very important piece. Every time I read it, I am encouraged to listen more closely and compassionately to myself, to trust my own wisdom, to listen to myself…and to notice that I’m not crazy in what I want or experience! Her suggestions always support the core part of who I am, and never align with the recorded distortions from childhood. What a gift! Thank you, Shaina!

Philadelphia, PA

Shaina Noll’s Life Path work has fed me nutrients I did not know I was missing.

I am deeply drawn to systems of stories, symbols, images, motifs, and patterns that animate my path in life. Here I receive them in the gentlest, most lasting way I can imagine. I have deepened my happiness as the insights offered are becoming practices, at subtle and overt levels. I recommend this blessing, and Shaina, very highly.

Santa Fe, New Mexico

After years of experiencing the healing power of Shaina’s music I discovered she had this other gift of doing Life Path Readings, intended to help people have a better understanding of one’s self and one’s path.

A core issue of my life has been struggling with personality traits in myself that I believed to be either pathological or just plain weird. These traits have affected my self esteem for as long as I can remember.

Although I have worked with the Tarot symbolism that inspired Shaina’s readings and had developed a more universal (and forgiving) view of the personality I seemed to have been born with, Shaina’s Life Profile helped me break through some of my remaining judgments and confusion by describing not only the meaning and purpose behind this challenging life, but also the practical steps I can take for finding balance and harmony in the midst of whatever confronts me.

Her Growth Year and Growth Cycle perceptions shed further light on the trends I have been experiencing over the past several years in a way that allowed some of the most fragmented pieces in my understanding to meld into a whole. I have developed a deep appreciation for Shaina’s gifts of discernment and sensitivity and feel very blessed to have this powerful written document that I can read over and over.

Author: Becoming Myself, A Soul Journey with Chronic Illness and Disability.

Since 1998, each year for my birthday I have given myself a “Reading for the Coming Year.”

Shaina generously shares her knowledge which leaves me feeling totally supported and capable in dealing with my particular opportunities and challenges that I reveal with the Tarot cards.

With the new Life Path Profile, Shaina provides an additional tool in having a printed reference for those who want to utilize her support and wisdom and knowledge of Tarot.

Work with Shaina Noll and you have given yourself a gift! Shaina not only shares her expert knowledge of the Tarot, she willingly shares her wisdom and insights.

I find Shaina’s knowledge of Tarot and her own particular world view a total support for looking at my opportunities and challenges that I reveal in the Tarot reading. Leaving with a tape of the session allows me a beneficial reference for the year.

A Teller and Teacher of Stories
Dallas, Texas

The Life Path Profile doesn’t “predict my future,” instead it focuses on my unique essence.

It gives me a context that explains the lessons I’m encountering in my life. The report itself is affirming, starting with the gifts/talents/potentials section. When coupled with one-on-one personal insight sessions with Shaina, it makes me think deeply and gives me direction. The tools that Shaina recommends help me to fully explore and reap the most from the current cycle. Through the process, I become calmer, less anxious about the unknown, while my confidence and courage are strengthened. If you allow it, the profile can be life-altering and life-defining.

Author: The Blue Tattoo Club: A Breast Cancer Sisterhood
Cedarburg, Wisconsin

I had to respond and give you feedback about the Life Path Profile you did for my best friend.

I am so excited! I have known her for 20 years, we are emotionally intimate as two divorced women, mothers of adult disabled children and many many more things in common.

Your Life Profile was 100% correct and right on. It offers her the very best in advice at this time in her life! You have hit all the issues and healing modalities for her. You are “right on” with her personality and soul. I can say no more than you are truly on to something profound and of great service to us all.

Valencia, New Mexico

It’s a very thorough and clear synthesis of a very powerful (and ancient) system, masterfully put together by a true expert.

Shaina has organized the material in a very easy to follow and understandable manner. It is comprehensive as well as practical, and very useful!

Boulder, Colorado

Found your profile bang on and feel a sense of peace about the challenges I face in life.

Now that I know they are part of my journey for this lifetime it somehow makes me accepting of them.

Prince Edward Island, Canada

I continue to be amazed with how the Key Concepts, Opportunities, and Challenges totally match my own Journey.

The Tools have provided invaluable guidance for me. More recently, I have had Life Path Updates done for my 2 young adult children. It has become their most anticipated Birthday gift and provides a direction and focus for their upcoming year.

Thank you for your wisdom and willingness to share your gifts.

New York State

The Life Path content is extremely useful as “corroborating evidence” for what I know and sense for myself from my ongoing research in neuroscience.

For example, when Shaina suggests that I may very likely need assistance from a coach or mentor this year to tame the “beasts” in my life, she’s essentially inviting me to honor the creative, wholistic, possibly darker sides of my life. A wise person once observed that the riches in the darkness often turn out to be pure gold. Shaina’s Life Path insights help illuminate and invite immersion into the richness of inner life.